
Monday, June 28, 2004

Lileks versus the party volunteer over at today's Bleat. Mr. Lileks describes a young lady who can read from the script very well but cannot defend the positions. Her final point is about Senator Kerrry's plan to repeal the Bush tax cuts. Mr. Lileks goes on to give what he calls "The Parable of the Stairs", essentially a tale of "trickle down" economics. She didn't take to well to that:
“Well, it’s a philosophical difference,” she sniffed. She had pegged me as a form of life last seen clilcking the leash off a dog at Abu Ghraib. “I think the money should have gone straight to those people instead of trickling down.” Those last two words were said with an edge.

“But then I wouldn’t have hired them,” I said. “I wouldn’t have new steps. And they wouldn’t have done anything to get the money.”

“Well, what did you do?” she snapped.

“What do you mean?”

“Why should the government have given you the money in the first place?”

“They didn’t give it to me. They just took less of my money.”

That was the last straw. Now she was angry. And the truth came out:

“Well, why is it your money? I think it should be their money.”

Then she left.

And walked down the stairs. I let her go without charging a toll. It’s the philanthropist in me.
(emphasis mine)

Why indeed?
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